Meditation soap – Quartz Crystal

150,00  z VAT

A collection of stones which fit perfectly in the hand, aid contact with oneself and support meditation. Each soap comes with a pouch and a stone card describing its powers.

We believe that Precious Stones have power. They are the creations of Nature – a power greater and mightier than man, still undiscovered and surprising. For thousands of years people have believed in the magical and healing powers of stones. Priests of Babylon and ancient Egypt, Greek and Roman scholars and philosophers had studied them. Great importance is assigned to precious stones by Vedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Today, many mysteries of such stones have been clarified and gained scientific explanation. There is even a unique field of study devoted to the subject – lithotherapy deals specifically with stones and their influence on the human body.

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The power of stones
Crystals, minerals, and precious stones are some of the best organised structures in nature. Quantum physics proves that all of matter at a basic level is nothing more than vibrating strings of energy. Stones (particularly precious stones), similarly as the human organism, have their own, unique vibration. The frequency the emit, as it were, picks up on the irregularities and balances them, restoring harmony in the human body. They extract the excess and add energy where it is lacking.
Every stone is comprised of a network of rhythmic vibrating atoms. On contact with the human body, this cumulated electromagnetic energy stimulates the nerve cells for them to vibrate at a similar frequency. Minerals have a higher frequency, measured in MHz, than the frequency of a healthy individual (approx. 62-68 MHz). If a person is ill and their vibrations are reduced – contact with a stone raises them to a higher level. Quantum physics proves that such stimulation is capable of activating the secretion of appropriate substances in the brain, due to which the body is stimulated to self-heal faster and more effectively. In turn, a healthy organism is then maintained at good level. In a nutshell: contact with stones is also perfect, non-invasive prophylaxis.

Colour: Brown
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Month of greatest activity: (at which time greater attention should be given to it as it vibrates most strongly for this zodiac sign): December/January
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth

Chakra: Sacral (Orange)
The second chakra lies just below the belly button. It helps to connect with the physical world and enjoy its pleasures. It is the centre of energy responsible for creativity and sensuality. When not functioning correctly, appearing are problems with creativity, curiosity, and feeling joy, with feelings of boredom, excessive seriousness, overwhelming sadness, and apathy. People whose Sacral chacra is burdened may experience problems with their libido, sex, fertility. Essential oils and herbs which help balance the harmony of this chakra: jasmine, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, cloves, and juniper.

Body: The beauty stone – soothes allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis, burns, and inflammation caused by insect bites. It alleviates pain – headache, earache, stomach ache, lower back and back pain. Helps with irritable bowels, excessive acidification, diarrhoea, and nausea. Generally – it cleanses and unblocks, helps to eliminate toxins. Brings relief with bladder, kidney, and prostate problems. Supports the activity of the adrenal glands and promotes fertility (of both men and women).

Psyche: Helpful with hypersensitivity, a sense of fatigue and depression, absent-mindedness, anxiety, irritability. Helps to understand oneself and clearly perceive the surrounding reality, strengthening objectivism. If you want to free yourself of addictions – always keep it with you.

Energy: The “neutraliser” stone – cleanses the body, mind, and interiors. An “energetic amplifier” which acts like a battery. Enables personal development through the transformation of negative energy to positive energy (both external – in homes, and that originating from other people). Owing to its pure energy, it is easier for us to live in agreement with oneself, with other people, and with nature.

How to use it: Works best when it is close to the body. It is worth using to energise drinking water and interiors, as well as for energising other stones.
How to care for it: Cleanse the stone under running water, discharge with the use of hematite, charge in direct sunlight. But beware – it should not be subjected to high temperatures as it may crack.

Body: Moonstone harmonises the functioning of the hormonal system, stimulates the pineal gland, aids in times of hormonal imbalances – during puberty and menopause. Helps with osteoporosis and hormonal based skin conditions (acne, oily skin, etc.). Soothes symptoms of bowel inflammation, diabetes, stimulates the circulatory system.

Psyche: Brings inner peace, opens to contacts with others, regulates emotions, empathy, boosts intuition and courage. Calms anxiety, adds the will to live.
Energy: It is considered that this stone strengthens feminine energy – compassion, love, generosity. Enables access to the subconscious mind.

How to use it: It is most effective when worn directly on the body. To strengthen its, place it under your pillow throughout one lunar phase – from new moon to full.

How to care for it: Cleanse the stone under running water, discharge with the use of hematite, charge in moonlight during a full moon.

Body: Mainly relieves intestinal ailments and supports adrenal gland and kidney function. Is used in treatment of infertility, heart conditions, and neurological disorders. Helpful in eliminating addictions. Neutralises the unfavourable electromagnetic field generated by everyday-use appliances, such as computers, mobile phones, TVs.

Psyche: Smoky quartz is recommended to people who are shy, undecided, who are lacking the courage to take on life’s challenges. Helps to open up to new possibilities, allows to detach from unhealthy relations and habits. Aids in finding one’s place in a world of matter, as well as adding the strength to turn their dreams and ideas into reality.

Energy: A stone for removing energetic blocks – helps to eliminate all that is not favourable from our lives. Blocking and neutralising negative energies at all levels. It also protects and cleanses the aura – the energy field around us. It is used to balance and direct the energy of the upper chakras to the base chakra – spiritual force may be revealed in the physical body.

How to use it: Works best when worn directly on the body. It is worth placing in the sun to strengthen it (but without overheating!)
How to care for it: Submerge in spring water for 24 hours or cleanse it in running water. Cleansing with sage also works well.

*Chakras are subtle energy centres and sections of our energetic body. The word Chakra literally means “wheel” or “disc”. It is believed that chakras are the power centres in the body, vibrating with energy.

*Some minerals, crystals, or metals are universal – meaning that they effect all the chakras (or the greater majority of them). These include quartz crystal, titanium quartz, diamond, and silver.

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