Golf odczarowany - Yoga Retreatment

Golf disenchanted

Golf is the second most popular sport in the world after football, and yet it is not particularly respected in our country. In fact, it is often considered a boring and snobbish pastime for retirees or the cream of society. Such a label is absolutely unfair and it is high time to dispel it! Golf is a beautiful sport that combines contact with nature and other people, the spirit of competition and the need for peace. In addition, it is a sport that absolutely anyone can play, regardless of physical predispositions.

What initially delights people who start playing golf is the fact that, like no other sport, it offers the opportunity to spend hours in nature. Golf courses are located in the most spectacular places in the world, on beautiful beaches or in picturesque parks. Being in the silence among lush green hills calms and enhances inner bliss. It forces unhurriedness and peace, which are so difficult to find in everyday life. Each round of golf lasts several hours. Walking for such a long time from hole to hole, you can completely relax.

It is also a social sport. It is a pretext for meetings, it encourages long conversations, but also great fun, especially when you play with someone you really like. It is not true that you cannot feel adrenaline in golf. You can, and not just any adrenaline! The element of competition can be quite big – if you only allow yourself to. You compete with yourself and your limitations. During the tournament, you also compete with others, which positively energizes you and gives you the steam to act. Golf is also the entire culture of the game: from course etiquette, through a special dress code, to golf tourism. There is also no denying that golf is a specific physical effort, engaging all muscle groups. The golf swing, or swinging the club, can even cause specific soreness in beginners! Golf wonderfully strengthens the body, but it also affects the mind. Precisely hitting the ball into the hole requires concentration. You have to be here and now, and thus calm down the racing thoughts. Physical effort and spending many hours outdoors also cause the release of endorphins in your body. And that means nothing more than more joy and ease. On the golf course and in life in general.

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