10 points for career change
People considering a career change often feel lost, and the new path of professional development seems winding and full of traps. Burnout at work, too much professional emotion, unpleasant atmosphere, dissatisfaction with oneself - the reasons for career changes can be different . If working in harmony with yourself and work-life balance are important to you, my 10 steps to career change will not only help you get to know yourself and implement the change, but will also make the job search a short and fully controlled process.
If you feel tired, your work doesn't make you happy like it used to, you think you won't develop any further and you're looking for a new goal, it's time for a career change that will give you the happiness and fulfillment you desire. I once went through this stage myself after many years of intensive work in a corporation. I know it's hard to take the first step, but I'll be happy to help you take it. I promise that the next ones will come easily. Some changes are simply necessary!
This is the beginning of not only fulfilling your dreams or self-fulfillment, but also the path to regaining balance and inner peace and joy in life. You deserve to enjoy it to the fullest.
If you don't feel ready or prepared - don't pressure yourself and don't feel bad about it. Check out the points below. Maybe my methods of making changes will strengthen you or inspire you to take action.
1.Internal readiness
If you want the change in your life to truly bring all the best, you can have no doubts. In order for change to happen, you need to be internally ready for it. It's not about having all your bags packed before the trip, but about a certain readiness that you feel internally. It gives you space to act and the ability to implement your plans. You can't force yourself to feel ready, but you can invite and summon it. Check, fantasize. Determine what skills you need for career change are waiting to be discovered.
2. Crisis
A crisis is necessary because it motivates change, which often comes from discomfort or difficulty. Losing a job, burnout or sacrificing a career without benefits are very difficult moments in life. However, sometimes what seems hopeless can be the beginning of something different, something better. However, do not expect that the crisis will pass and there will be immediate successes. Here too, you need time and facing yourself and your situation. First, you have to survive the crisis, let it resonate. You need to experience difficult emotions so that they do not hold you down, and getting through them will give you inner strength.
3. Purpose
Know your purpose. Before you can hit the road, you need to know what you want. Remember, however, that you don't have to set up a whole plan for the future right away. Your goal doesn't have to be definitive, it can evolve along the way. For example, you don't have to look for a job in the same position, but in a similar industry. The new job market offers many opportunities. Have a specific reference point towards which to direct your energy and actions. Continually develop your soft skills.
4. Intuition
Listen to yourself. If you don't know what you want, be patient. Introducing change and your own professional development is a serious, life step, sometimes seeming like a chasm. To jump over it, you need time to get to know yourself well. Listen to yourself, invite the intention of change, be inspired by nature and the actions of other people. If you need it, talk to your loved ones, because sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. Remember: do not give in to any pressure. Above all, be guided by what you like and what gives you pleasure. You are the one who counts in the process of change.
5. Talent
Rely on your talents and trust them. It is very important to never do anything against yourself. Remember what your greatest strengths are, emphasize your skills and build on them. This is where you should look for ideas for yourself. It is true that we get the greatest pleasure from doing what we can do and what we feel comfortable with. Professional development coaching will be useful here. By going in this direction, you reduce the risk of discouragement.
6. Allies
Look for allies. Surround yourself with people who motivate and strengthen you, and avoid those who weaken you. You don't have to do everything alone. Look for people who have complementary knowledge and skills. Don't be afraid to ask for help. An open attitude towards change will bring you many benefits.
7. Fear
Don't be afraid of things you don't know about. Fear of the unknown is one of the most natural and obvious things. We go through these moments throughout our lives. But don't let fear stop you from pursuing your dreams. Give yourself permission to make mistakes , but don't stop working. Ask questions, look for answers. Remember: there are no stupid questions. They only bring you closer to knowledge. Working in harmony with yourself is worth overcoming every fear.
8. The small steps method
Use the small steps method. Every day, every day, even if you only have 10 minutes, do the smallest action that will bring you closer to your goal. Don't discredit small actions, because they are the ones that give the final result. All you need to do is plan something that you will do every day. You can set a reminder to make it a regular habit. It is not worth procrastinating, because once you start doing it, getting back on track will be a huge challenge. Stick to your inner discipline. When you do what you have planned for a given day, you will be closer to your goal with each subsequent day.
9. Discouragement
Don't be discouraged. You can set goals, try to achieve them, but also have weaker days. We are all human, and the emotions that accompany a career change can be overwhelming. What is happening around us sometimes simply gets in the way of our plans. Sometimes things don’t always work out right away, but that doesn’t mean we are back to square one. We need mistakes because we can draw conclusions from them. So give yourself permission to make mistakes sometimes.
10. Success
Reward yourself for your successes. This is very important, especially when using the small steps method. It is worth turning even everyday, small challenges into small successes and rewarding yourself for them. Only you know what these achievements mean to you. Celebrating and recognizing yourself will give you the energy and motivation to keep going. Respect and appreciate your past professional experiences and all your activities – both large and small.
For more inspiration, please visit my instagram , where you will find more tips that will help you change your life.