10 easy steps to reach your potential
I strongly believe that life is a journey in searching for and realizing your potential. It's a journey, not just a journey to the top. And although there are times when we are in our top and we feel that we have achieved the desired goal, but in most cases it is striving for happiness, love, a dream shape or fulfilling your dreams. To be the best version of yourself, the one you like the most and feel the best with. During this wonderful time of summer I will share my suggestions with you, what can you do to get closer on this journey to yourself and your potential – lightly, without pressure.
If you don't feel ready – don't put pressure on yourself and don't feel bad about it. Please review the points below. They will strengthen at the right time or inspire you to change.
Step 1: Take a rest and take a breath
First, I want you to rest. You won't reach the top tired. In order to create space for new actions and a new perspective, old chapters need to be closed. and make room for the void. Let this void be filled with sweet raspberries, walks on the beach or in the forest, listening to the rustle of trees and looking at the clouds.
Without purpose, for pleasure. Stay a moment, now. And you… rest.
Step 2: Surround yourself with greenery
Close out all your affairs as soon as possible and reach for regeneration as much as you can. Immerse yourself in green. Green is one of the strongest colors. It is associated primarily with life, harmony, nature and close contact with it. It is the color of healing, hope and freedom. Immersing yourself in it is like a massage session for the senses. Bathe in a lake, swim in the sea, look at the trees, breathe the forest air, walk barefoot in a meadow. If you are in the city, just look at the trees for a few moments and the immensity of life that lies within their crowns.
Most people find it difficult in rest and cannot regenerate. Rest - this is your great task.
Step 3: Do what makes you happy
I hope you have a good time and enjoy it of the charms of summer. Summer follows its own rules. Everything is lighter, easier and more pleasant. There is no regeneration without pleasure, so do what you like, try new things, travel, meet people and immerse yourself in the world around you - here and now. Do all this to get inspired. Discover where your curiosity takes you, where you want to pass on your energy.
Pamper yourself, experience and observe.
Step 4: Fulfill yourself through movement
Now I will tell you briefly about where the head connects and expresses the body. Movement is not just a sport or passion. It gives us pleasure, strength and joy. Movement is an instant regeneration pill for the brain and an energy boost for the body. For me, it is the basis of self-realization. Whether you run a marathon, hike in the mountains, walk with poles in the forest or slowly move through the streets of the city - any form is ideal as long as you feel good. Movement is a fantastic way to learn about yourself, to overcome your barriers, to find your limits, to find your endurance and discovering something new.
Enjoy the summer and get moving daily , collect strength for the body and reset for the head.
Step 5: Don't be afraid to try
I hope that summer is spoiling you with sweet fruits and lots of sun. In this step I would like to encourage you to try new things. Be open to new things, try them, satisfy your curiosity. It's never too late to try a new sport, study or travel. Don't let a sense of inadequacy, lack of skill, or ignorance of the subject limit you. Look for allies, people who can introduce you into the secrets of a new passion. Whether it's sports, music, or a completely new skill.
Open yourself to new experiences and new people.
Step 6: Review what is important to you
I hope you are resting and regenerating, you don't forget about movement, you do what you like and what gives you pleasure and you open yourself to new things. In such a slightly different, free state of consciousness reconsider what is important to you . Ask yourself this question and do nothing about it. Let the answers come to you . What do you see in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place? in your life.
Rebuild your priorities, let them be your map. Set yourself up to listen to yourself.
Step 7: Rediscover your potential
I hope that summer brings you regeneration, detachment, new experiences and inspirations and that you managed to break through your barriers and try something new and rediscover your values. Cherish it. With such an arsenal it's worth asking yourself, what do I want? What do I want to reach for? What do I want to do in life, what do I want to share, what do I want to create? In line with your values and priorities, close to your interests and passions. Let your imagination run wild and realize your skills. See anew what possibilities you have – where your potential lies.
Don't judge yourself. Every idea is a good one.
Step 8: Plan
I am glad that you are here and I hope that you are living this summer in harmony with yourself. We are still in the process of searching for our potential, this time in a summer version, lightly, pleasantly. I wonder what ideas have come to your mind? Or maybe new ways of realizing your potential have appeared? Before we move from the phase of fantasy to implementation, choose 1 or 2 ideas, put them down on paper and make your action plan. Will this be a training plan, or a business idea or a new lifestyle. Write your new path on paper. Start with a vision, but end with on the details.
Plan, write down and make your plan realistic.
Step 9: Implement your plan step by step
Don't be sad, summer is still here, and even if it ends soon, that's good. It's time to get back to everyday life. and start implementing your plan. Keep trying, not everything may work out. Remember that life is about striving, not standing at a point we wanted to achieve. Everything changes, maybe in a year you will want and need something else. Now is the time to action. Step by step, refer to your values, resources, passions. Take care of yourself, be in good relationships with your loved ones and share it, what's best in you. Act methodically, step by step, implement the plan every day. Reach for your potential.
Change is good.
Step 10: Persevere in its resolutions
Our journey of 10 steps to your own potential is slowly coming to an end. Summer is ending, but I want one most important message to stay with you for a long time. To achieve any success or any change at all, you need superpowers: perseverance and patience. Nothing happens immediately. It takes a lot of work, a lot of falls, stops, discouragement. If you persevere in your resolutions driven by your own passions and what you love to do, it's a huge success. Remember that if every day of yours looks like this, If you want it, in accordance with yourself and your own values, that is success.